
Voici la nouvelle caméra immersive de Blackmagic qui pourrait permettre la création de contenu Vision Pro encore plus captivant.

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BLACKMAGIC ANNOUNCED A NEW CAMERA yesterday that is part of a new Vision Pro-specific workflow involving its DaVinci Resolve software. Called the URSA Cine Immersive, this camera is built on the URSA Cine platform and allows cinematographers to shoot 90fps video in stereoscopic 3D for the Vision Pro. Updates in the DaVinci Resolve video editing software will enable filmmakers to monitor footage in Apple’s headset and export native Vision Pro video files.

THE COST OF THE CAMERA has not been disclosed, but it won’t be readily available for purchase. While filmmakers may not be able to buy this camera, they can look forward to Canon’s upcoming stereoscopic camera lens. The existence of this camera alongside Blackmagic’s editing software updates could lead to more content being produced for the headset, opening up new possibilities for creators.

AESTHETICALLY, THE CAMERA boasts a matte black housing with an early ’90s camcorder look. Its design is unique and stands out, drawing attention to its innovative features. Whether disassembled or in its complete form, the camera exudes a futuristic and almost alien-like appearance, making it a visually striking piece of equipment.

THE LENSES ON THE CAMERA are a particular standout, showcasing intricate details and a design that could easily fit into a sci-fi movie as a miniature prop. The camera is also drone-ready, although it would require a powerful and sturdy drone to lift it off the ground. This further highlights Blackmagic’s commitment to pushing boundaries in the world of filmmaking technology.

Overall, the new immersive camera from Blackmagic presents exciting possibilities for content creators looking to delve into the world of Vision Pro. With its advanced features and compatibility with DaVinci Resolve software, filmmakers can explore new creative avenues and produce high-quality content for immersive viewing experiences.

For more information on Blackmagic’s new camera and the latest updates, visit the official Blackmagic website: Blackmagic Official Website

To learn about Canon’s upcoming stereoscopic camera lens, check out the article on The Verge: Canon’s Stereoscopic Camera Lens

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