
Chronologie rapide des faits sur le nucléaire en Corée du Nord

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North Korea’s nuclear capabilities have been a subject of concern for decades. The country’s weapons program has evolved over time, leading to various agreements, disagreements, and confrontations with the international community. Let’s take a closer look at the key events in North Korea’s nuclear timeline:

– **January 10** – North Korea withdraws from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, signaling its defiance of international norms.

– **February** – The United States confirms North Korea’s reactivation of a nuclear reactor capable of producing plutonium for weapons.

– **April** – North Korea declares its possession of nuclear weapons, escalating tensions with other nations.

– **July** – North Korea tentatively agrees to give up its nuclear program in exchange for energy assistance and economic cooperation.

– **October** – North Korea claims to have successfully tested its first nuclear weapon, prompting the UN Security Council to impose sanctions.

– **February 13** – North Korea agrees to close its main nuclear reactor in exchange for an aid package.

– **September 30** – North Korea signs an agreement to begin disabling its nuclear weapons facilities.

– **December 31** – North Korea misses the deadline to disable its weapons facilities, raising concerns about its commitment to denuclearization.

– **June 27** – North Korea destroys a water cooling tower at the Yongbyon nuclear facility, a symbolic gesture towards disarmament.

– **December** – Six-party talks in Beijing break down over North Korea’s refusal to allow unfettered access to suspected nuclear sites.

– **May 25** – North Korea announces its second nuclear test, drawing condemnation and new sanctions from the UN Security Council.

– **June 12** – The landmark summit between Trump and Kim in Singapore results in vague pledges of nuclear disarmament but falls short of concrete agreements.

– **December 5** – New satellite images reveal North Korea’s expanded long-range missile base, indicating ongoing efforts to enhance its nuclear arsenal.

– **August 27** – The IAEA reports North Korea’s reactivation of a power plant capable of producing plutonium, raising concerns about increased weapons production.

– **September 13** – North Korea successfully test-fires new long-range cruise missiles, showcasing ongoing advancements in its missile technology.

– **October 4** – North Korea fires a ballistic missile over Japan, marking a significant escalation in its weapons testing program.

– **January 1** – North Korea declares its intention to exponentially increase its nuclear weapons arsenal in response to perceived threats.

– **July 18** – A US Navy ballistic missile submarine arrives in South Korea, heightening tensions on the peninsula.

– **September 28** – North Korea amends its constitution to bolster its nuclear force, emphasizing its status as a nuclear power.

These key events highlight the volatile and evolving nature of North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, with implications for regional and global security.

For more information and detailed coverage of these events, please visit [CNN](

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